HeyCounsel Community Code of Conduct

Updated August 4, 2024

HeyCounsel is not a law firm, or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. We are a lawyer community and a platform that connects businesses with independent legal advisors. We do not endorse any attorneys on our platform, nor do we receive any payments from attorneys to do so. We are not an attorney referral service.
HeyCounsel uses Slack to communicate internally and share work opportunities with other community members (“Slack Community”). Slack conversations should focus on work related topics of interest to the group and may include the sharing of ideas, legal templates, opportunities, solving of problems, information about HeyCounsel or members that is not sensitive, requests for information and otherwise providing peer to peer support for HeyCounsel members on a continuing basis. We ask that you abide by the following community guidelines in order to ensure a safe and respectful environment for everyone at HeyCounsel. 

Hey Counsel Slack Community is divided into different channels focusing on specific topics. Members will have access to all channels. For specific channels that discuss a particular topic, members are encouraged to join the channels that are most relevant to their work or interests. Channels will be reviewed and added to depending on feedback from members as use of the Community Slack evolves. You will receive news, opportunities, referrals, updates, and questions from HeyCounsel and other members, but you can also share your own. You can control when you receive alerts, and you can contribute to the conversation at any time. 

Please introduce yourself. If you are new to the community, introduce yourself in the channel labeled “introductions” using your real name. Provide a summary of your experience and areas of interest. 

Lawyering Mindset. HeyCounsel community members are advocates that contribute their legal knowledge and skills to support initiatives that are identified by the community and enhance the community’s power.

Members First: If there is a HeyCounsel member who has the right level of competence for a given opportunity, it’s common courtesy to allow that person to volunteer for the opportunity before searching outside of the community. That said, if the perfect-fit lawyer is outside of the community, you are free to send work to that attorney… but try to invite them in!

Meet Other Attorneys: This Community is also here for you to make meaningful connections with other members and strengthen the community we are building.

Give to get! We’re hell-bent on fostering a community centered around the idea of giving as much as you’re getting. While we know you’re here to learn and grow, we also encourage you to share your expertise in your specialized field and provide support to fellow members. Let's help each other succeed! Keep conversations in threads! Clearly state your topic and keep related conversations within the same thread to help members respond appropriatelyUse Slack to send messages to the entire group when there is information that is beneficial to everyone or when seeking an answer to a question that many may be able to assist with. 

Do not share member’s contact information without permission or used for any type of marketing or distribution. Use caution when discussing any topic. Try to keep criticism on an objective basis. Be kind. Our guiding principle is respect. Always treat other members with the same respect as you would in person. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it through the Slack Community either.

Handling Leads
Opportunities that come through HeyCounsel will either originate from (1) the HeyCounsel external site (“HeyCounsel Leads”) or from other members on the platform (“Member Referrals”). 

HeyCounsel Leads. will be posted on the "opportunities" channel and uploaded to the member dashboard. If you're interested, please indicate your interest by requesting an introduction via the member dashboard. Once three to five candidates express interest, the lead's contact information will be shared with the first three to five attorneys who have competency and experience overlap and are eligible to receive leads based on our screening and vetting process discussed below. In some cases, relevant experience will be requested beforehand via direct message. Once the potential client information is shared with members, members should contact them directly and mention that they are reaching out in response to the potential client’s inquiry through HeyCounsel. Clients are informed about this process, so this will not be a surprise. Please express your interest within 24 hours.

Member Referrals. Member Referrals are leads generated by HeyCounsel Members. They are submitted via the member dashboard and they will be posted on the "opportunities" channel and uploaded to the member dashboard. If you're interested, please indicate your interest by requesting an introduction via the member dashboard. Member referrals are managed by the referring member, and any decision as to who the lead will be passed are made by the referring member.


Sensitive topics and professional behavior. HeyCounsel uses Slack as an internal platform where everyone from the community can interact. From sharing personal interests to work related matters. There are certain behaviors (as described below) that will not be tolerated, and it may lead to suspension or termination of your account. Discussion of sensitive topics such as gender, sexuality, politics, race, and reproductive rights must be done with extreme care. While we encourage intellectual conversations, political advocacy on behalf of a party or political movement will not be tolerated. We also ask that you use discretion with your words and refrain from using language that could be deemed triggering or upsetting to others. Please remember that the members of the Slack Community come from all areas of life and have different lived experiences. Remember, what is reasonable or correct to you, may not be for others.

Harassment. HeyCounsel prohibits harassing behavior such as sustained bullying, ban or block evasion, doxing for the purposes of harassing community members. We also do not allow the coordination, participation, or encouragement of sexual harassment, such as sending unsolicited sexually suggestive content, unwanted sexualization, or attacks or instigation about someone’s sexual activity.

Hate Speech or Hateful Conduct. HeyCounsel considers hate speech any form of expression that either attacks other people or promotes hatred or violence against them based on their protected characteristics.

We consider the following to be protected characteristics: age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; pregnancy, family responsibilities; gender; religion; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; and weight and size.

Promotion of violence and threatsDo not threaten to harm another individual or group of people. This includes direct, indirect, and suggestive threats.

Do not organize, promote, or support violent extremism. This also includes glorifying violent events or the perpetrators of violent acts, as well as promoting conspiracy theories that could encourage or incite violence against others.

Do not share false or misleading information. Content that is false, misleading, or lacks verified facts and/or data and can lead to significant risk of physical or societal harm. We may remove content if we reasonably believe its spread could result in harm to any member of the community, or the HeyCounsel community as a whole. 

Do not misrepresent your identity on Slack in a deceptive or harmful way. This includes creating fake profiles and attempts to impersonate an individual, group, or organization.

Do not engage in activities that could damage or compromise the security of your account, HeyCounsel or any member. This includes using deceptive techniques to trick others into revealing sensitive information (phishing), using malicious software (malware), and flooding a target with traffic in order to make a resource unavailable (denial-of-service attacks).


HeyCounsel has a vested interest in recruiting and maintaining a membership of extremely high quality lawyers as determined by character, talent, and competency. Our interest in recruiting and maintaining a quality member base stems from two major focuses: (i) helping potential clients and member referrals to find reliable and high-quality lawyers through our platform and; (ii) maintaining a high standard of commitment and professionalism within the HeyCounsel community. To uphold these values, we have implemented (1) a new member application and vetting process, and (2) an ongoing screening and monitoring process.

A. Application. Once an attorney applies through the HeyCounsel Portal or is referred by another counsel, they can expect to hear from us within 48 hours. We review new applications on a rolling basis to ensure a timely process. We will assess the application, ensuring that all applicants meet our community standards and professional criteria, which include at least five years of experience and a background check to confirm the attorney is in good standing with their state bar association.If your application meets our initial criteria, we may invite you to an interview with one or two members of the community. This is an opportunity for us to get to know you better and for you to learn more about our platform.After the application process and any interviews, our team will make a final determination regarding your application, and you will receive a notification of our decision.
B. Screening and Vetting. The screening process for attorneys begins with an initial application review to verify that the applicant meets the necessary legal qualifications as stated in the “Application” part of this section. Once admitted to the platform, attorneys must be part of the community for at least three months before they can apply for HeyCounsel Leads (“Probationary Period”). During this period, HeyCounsel has implemented a system for ongoing monitoring of attorneys' performance, which includes collecting references, monitoring engagement with the community, and gathering client feedback to ensure they continue to meet our standards. If the requirements are met, they will be approved to receive and apply for leads. Note: new members can still apply for member referrals before during the Probationary Period. 
C. Competence and Work Product. HeyCounsel takes measures to maintain exceptional members who uphold our values and elevate the community's standards. Every member contributes to the overall excellence of our platform.When you state that you have experience in certain areas of the law, you certify in good faith that you possess the necessary knowledge and can perform the job competently. If you are unsure about your expertise in specific areas, you should clearly inform the client or the referring attorney about your limitations, while also expressing your belief that you can perform the job.By doing so, you ensure transparency and foster trust within the community. It's important to maintain open and honest communication to uphold the integrity and professionalism that HeyCounsel stands for.
D. Member Feedback, Complaints and Removal from the Community. We encourage community members to provide feedback on their interactions with other member attorneys. This feedback may be done so anonymously. Feedback is used to continuously improve the quality of the community and address any issues promptly. If a member attorney does not engage with the platform appropriately or receives negative feedback, HeyCounsel reserves the right to remove them from the community. Feedback may be provided to brian@heycounsel.com.Attorneys who receive a verified complaint or negative peer/client review within a certain period will receive a formal warning. A meeting with a HeyCounsel staff member will be scheduled to discuss the issues and identify areas for improvement. During this period, the ability to apply for leads will be suspended until the complaint is resolved. If the matter is resolved satisfactorily and is not detrimental to the community, the attorney will be reinstated.If an attorney receives a second verified complaint after this meeting, they will be expelled from the community. Please note that there are no refunds for expulsion from the platform


give away your Slack account login or password information to anyone.
DON’T share any information outside the community or to anyone from HeyCounsel community that may violate the Model Rules of Professional Conduct or the Rules of Professional Conduct of the state you are barred.
ENSURE that your activities within the HeyCounsel community always comply with the Model Rules of Professional Conduct or the Rules of Professional Conduct of the state where you are licensed.
DO report any accounts who claim to be HeyCounsel, other members or who ask for account or confidential information.

Please ensure that any documents sent as attachments to the Slack community do not contain identifiable information. Do not share any sensitive information or details that could identify past, current, or potential clients.


HeyCounsel reserves the right to update these guidelines at any time. When updates do occur, a message will be posted in the proper channels to notify members.